Morning Clouds/Flint Hills Discovery Center


Often when I walk in the morning, I wish that I had my camera with me to take pictures of the sunrise. This morning, I actually remembered to bring my camera with me, so I went to the uppermost patio at the Flint Hills Discovery Center to take some photos. The Discover Center is just a few blocks away from The Morning Star and is a fun destination even when it is closed.  It has a walking path that winds up around the Northeastern side of the building, passing through a native plants area.


It was pitch black when I arrived at the Discovery Center, but I was hopeful for vivid skies.


The sunrise this morning was obscured by clouds, but the clouds had their own beauty.


… And, of course, shortly afterward, it started to rain – just a little.


I was happy to catch some interesting cloud photos this morning. Then I had to rush home to make yummy breakfast!

Have a great day!

Golden Moment

This morning, while waiting for muffins to come out of the oven and guests to come downstairs for breakfast, I decided to take advantage of a little free time to take photos of a mocktail for Morning Star Weddings – my other blog. The only trouble – I also had to wait for the sun to come up and get high enough in the morning sky so that I could get enough light for my photos. So I got all set up and played around with practice shots while waiting. This is one that I took of flowers that I was using as background filler. I was happy that it turned out because I really liked the contrast of materials. Have a lovely day!


Winding Down

It was with some sentimentality that I photographed the garden yesterday. I knew that a freeze was predicted for last night, a sure sign that garden will be winding down for the year. As I sit here and write before sunrise, it is 30 degrees F. outside; and though it is toasty warm in the B&B, I know that once the sun comes up and I take a look around, I’ll see that some of my flowers and herbs have been nipped by the cold. It will take cooler temperatures to make the hardy perennials and shrubs go dormant for the winter. In fact, if the day time temperatures are warm enough, the ground cover roses will keep producing blooms for up to 4 more weeks, but the other roses are almost done for the year. The chrysanthemum plants will be fine, but probably not the flowers. The asters, which put out one big flush of flowers every year in late October have had their show, though they will have color for a little longer.

Yesterday’s Garden

Aster ‘Raydon’s Favorite’

Rose ‘Memorial Day’

Chrysanthemum ‘Diana’ with Ground Cover Roses

White Rose (unknown variety)

White Mum (unknown variety)

Crape Myrtle Foliage


It was a beautiful sunrise. After serving breakfast, I did a brief inspection of the garden. I lost the what was left of my hibiscuses, the potted impatiens, a few hostas, all of my Autumn Joy sedums, and some of the chrysanthemums. Overall, not too bad.

Sunrise This Morning