Missing Miss Abbey


This is a photo that I took a few years ago of Abbey (right) and our then new puppy Penny. This picture makes me smile because I had so very much fun watching the two of them play that day – as I did many, many subsequent days.

It also makes me laugh because it seemed as though Abbey was coaching her “baby sister” on just how much mischief a pup is allowed to get into without getting into trouble.  When she herself was a babe, Abbey was very good at inventing games, such as nibbling the buttons off my sweaters – which would be followed by her giving me a thoroughly happy puppy grin and a nub wag, and by her inviting her older sisters, Lucy and Ginger, to play.

Abbey loved all of her sisters, including ol’ Peachy who came along a few years after Penny. But Abbey and Penny were best buds and their antics were consistently amusing. They played lots of chase and tug of war and vied for the most snacks, the most belly rubs and the best position on the sofa. Abbey always got the most snacks, but I think that they were pretty equal on the belly rubs … and the best position on the sofa was that closest to my head.

Being next to me on the sofa wasn’t enough. Miss Abbey was a Mama’s-girl. She always followed me around the house, looking up into my face, and it always made me happy to see her right there by my side.

We had to say goodbye to Abbey recently, after she was stricken with an aggressive form of cancer. Abbey was loving, sweet and gentle, playful and joyful … and too young for us to have to say goodbye to her. And we miss her dearly.


Remembering Ginger

One of our guests at the Bed & Breakfast once declared me to be “a collector of both Boston Terriers and their likenesses” –  a description which still makes me chuckle. My husband and I have had six much-loved Bostons over the years – and we do indeed have quite a few pieces of Boston Terrier memorabilia, many of them kindly given to us by guests fond of our dogs.

Bill and I have some good friends who also are Boston Terrier parents. Knowing that I am a gardener, these friends have very thoughtfully given me flowers to plant as living memorials to several of our canine children who have passed over the years. One of theses is a  daylily named “Punk” given in memory of Ginger.  (“Punk” was one of several affectionate nicknames that we had for Gingie because she was always ready to turn anything into a game.)

Ginger passed away two years ago at seventeen years of age. She brought us tremendous happiness in her lifetime. This is the first time that Punk has bloomed. So I wanted to share  a remembrance of Ginger and photos of her tribute flower which I tend with affection as I remember our punky Ging.






Have a lovely weekend!

A Tribute to Sweet Peachy


Our sweet Peachy (left) passed away very suddenly last night after fighting a brain tumor for about a year and a half.  She was only with us for a short time – she was an older dog when we adopted her – but she was a truly a part of our family and we loved her.  Sweet Peach, a.k.a. Peachy The Moose, was affectionate, gentle, and full of joy. She loved her new “sisters”, loved to play and snuggle, and especially loved to go for walks. Whenever we would get leashes out, she would do the Peachy-dance: race to the door, spin in circles, run to the other side of the room, spin in circles some more, repeating with a great big smile on her face until we had all three dogs harnessed and were out on our walk. We are happy to have had her in our lives and shall miss her.

Weekly Photo Challenge: In the Background

My husband thinks that I post too many photos of our dogs; but this one always makes me smile, so I had to share it when I saw this week’s theme. I was attempting to take a photo of Abbey when puppy Penny came bounding in. “Hey, whatcha doin’ Ma?”

I hope that this picture brings a smile to your face, too!
