Pinks and Golden Yellows in May Garden

We’ve had a bit of stormy weather here in Kansas over the last few days – with more in store over the next few.

Some of our flowers, especially some of the roses, have gotten bedraggled. Others have really pulled through, thankfully, and they are some of my fragrant varieties; so that is quite nice.

The “Kiss Me Kate” Asiatic Lilies just started opening and are especially saturated with color – I think due to the cooler spring temperatures than we have most years. The coreopsis have also just started to put on their show for the summer.

As you can see from the photos, at this time of year, the color scheme for the garden is one of contrasts predominantly strong pinks and golden yellows. In a few weeks, that shall change. With its long bloom season and variety of perennials, the garden is always changing.

“Kiss Me Kate” mixed in with “Memorial Day” Rose. Spireas in the background and Golden Oregano as ground cover.



Coreopsis …



Above, “Secret” Rose.

Here in the U.S. it is a holiday weekend – Memorial Day Weekend. Wishing you the best …

Sunny-Rainy Garden

We have had quite a bit of rain this spring. In fact, for the first time in six years, Kansas is not in drought conditions.

At least one big storm passed through the area overnight and when I awoke this morning, the sky was full of ominous-looking clouds. So I wasn’t expecting to a few minutes of glorious sunshine for photographing the garden. By the time that I was done taking and uploading pictures onto my camera, rain clouds had moved back in. Our weather can change almost minute by minute.

Here are a few photos that I got in between bought of rain …





As always, wishing you a lovely day whatever the weather might bring!


A Fragrant Rose

Working in the garden this morning, I was so pleased with all of the lovely fragrance lofting through the air.


“Memorial Day” rose, is just on of my fragrant roses. Can’t you almost see it dripping with perfume-scent?

Have a lovely evening!

Happy Mother’s Day

One of the traits that I picked up from my mother is a passion for flowers: for flower gardening, for creating beauty to be shared, for filling the house with blooms.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! Thank you for all that you have given me!

And Happy Mother’s Day to the many, many mothers who – amongst all of the other gifts that you give to your your children – teach them to see beauty in the world.


Abbey’s Rose, Pt. II

Back in December, Abbey’s rose was the last one blooming in my garden. I repotted it and brought it inside for the winter, unsure of what to expect. Happily, it just started blooming. A small victory over winter! (Pun intended: this cute bloom is about the size of my thumbnail.)


A lovely day to you!

New Year, New Growth

A month ago, I wrote about Abbey’s Rose. It was the last rose blooming in my garden and one to which I have a sentimental attachment. Since it is potted, and I have never successfully overwintered a potted rose outdoors, I decided to try to bring it inside this year. It is covered with new growth, a good sign for the new year for this little rose.






A few of my orchids have also recently sent out new shoots, a good sign that there will be blooms to follow.  I look forward to posting more pictures of them once they start to flower.


I hope that your new year is off to a positive start! Best wishes for 2016!



Abbey’s Rose

Nature can be a crazy, beautiful thing. As amazing as it is, I still have one rose blooming in the garden – in December, a week after an ice storm.


This is a delicate miniature rose that a friend gave to us as a memorial to our Boston Terrier Abbey after “Abbs” passed away in the summer of 2014.  I thought that I had lost it last spring when it didn’t come out of dormancy with our other roses; but I dug it up and put it in a pot, hoping that it would come back. Here “she” is, still blooming.

I am thinking that maybe I will bring the pot inside for the winter to see whether I can keep Abbey’s rose alive, since I have never successfully overwintered a potted rose outside. (I purchased roses in pots during winter months and transplanted them outside in the late spring, but have never gone in the other direction.)

In the meantime, on this December day, I am delighted to see Abbey’s rose and to think of our sweet girl.

An Icy Day

With the freezing rain that we have had over the last 24 hours, it is a good day to stay inside, have a warm drink and read a book … or go outside and take pictures in the garden for a wee bit first if you are someone like me! These are quite a contrast from the photos that I took just 12 days ago. It is so dreary out today that I had to use a flash to get a few of the shots, something that I almost never do outside.














Wishing you a warm and lovely day … and safe travels to anyone out on the road in this area today!


Late Autumn Garden

So far this year, it has been a very mild autumn here in Manhattan, Kansas, allowing for an extended period of color in the garden. The weather, the last few days, has been grey and damp, with rain on and off. So the colors are really showing up in bright contrast to the skies. Here are a few pictures that I took this morning. I hope that you enjoy them!










Wishing you a beautiful day!