Bright Color, Gloomy Day

This has been a wonderful year for autumn foliage in Manhattan, Kansas. The wind was gusting this morning, so I decided that I had better get some pictures before all the leaves come down. Here is a photo that I took looking up into one of the maple trees in our neighborhood. The colors looked especially vivid against the grey fall sky.  Have a lovely day!


Weekly Photo Challenge: Change of Seasons

Late Autumn – Early Winter on the Konza Prairie

For this week’s photography challenge, I headed out to the Konza Prairie after breakfast. I was captivated by this one ashen white tree. Notice also the moss colored tree just in front and to the right of it. Upon close inspection, there really were so many subtle colors to be seen.

The evergreens covered with berries reminded me of Christmas.

It was a heavy sky, but  just a little too warm to snow. All that fell were a few sprinkles of cold rain.

Quite a few trees were covered with moss. It made them look bundled up for the cold.


This pair of trees seemed ready for winter to be over and it has hardly begun.2TreesWinter

What a pleasant surprise every now and then to run into some brightly-colored berries.


But then I would look at the woods, so ominous-looking, and I was happy to head home for a cup of hot tea.


Summer’s End

Though we are stilling having temperatures in the 90’s, and though there are nearly three weeks left to summer, the change of seasons is in the air. This was apparent to me when I was at Eastside Market yesterday … so much so that I just had to take some pictures to document the moment when I noticed autumn’s approach.

Thank you to the gracious folks at East Side Market for letting me take photographs.