
Greetings. I’m Laurie Pieper, innkeeper at The Morning Star Bed & Breakfast  in lovely downtown Manhattan, Kansas, USA.

For me, as for many innkeepers, running a bed and breakfast is a second career. I have a Ph.D. in Philosophy and have taught Metaphysics & Epistemology, History of Philosophy, and Philosophy of Religion at several major universities. Occasionally, some readers might detect hints of my past career, but probably not.

When I first started teaching Philosophy, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. At some point, however, I decided that I simply hadn’t been imaginative enough. Suddenly, there were all kinds of things that I could envision doing. Having always loved cooking and gardening, running a bed and breakfast seemed a perfect fit for me. With my career change, I came to appreciate just how nice it is to create an environment where people can relax, be comfortable, and feel well treated.

I envision this blog as reflecting who I am and my efforts (and those of my helpers) to create a special place – one with good food, a pleasant atmosphere, comfortable rooms, a lovely garden, friendly people and easy-going dogs. It is also about Manhattan and its surrounds, the people who stay with us and inspire us, what life is like running a bed and breakfast, and well … what I hope you will find to be other interesting things too.

Thank you for stopping by!

68 responses to “About

  1. Hi Laurie!

    Is it alright if I share your latest blog about the Kansas River on Friends of the Kaw’s facebook page? We are a non-profit that works to protect and preserve the Kansas River. Your pictures and information are great!


  2. Just wanted to let you know I have nominated you for the Super Sweet Blogging Award. I hope this will be welcome news for you. If you prefer not to accept the award, I certainly understand, but I hope you will visit the other nominees, and they will visit you, just the same. To see the other nominees and rules for accepting the award, please visit my post at http://wp.me/p2ekZU-Pt – All the best!

  3. Pingback: Verrrry Interesting – Specialty Blogging Awards | The Retiring Sort

  4. Laurie, thank you for visit with me and following my blog. I have enjoyed looking around your. Although I am gluten intolerant, the pasta with fresh tomato sauce recipe sound fabulous.

    • I make it with gluten-free quinoa pasta. (The main ingredient is really corn, but it is called quinoa pasta anyway.) I try to include gluten-free variations in my recipes when I can. Thanks for the note!

  5. Hello Laurie
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my little blog. I just thought I would let you know that my blog has moved and is now bighungrygnomes.co.uk. Unfortunately, if you want to remain subscribed to my blog, you will have re-subscribe to this new address. I realise this is a little bit of a nuisance but I would really appreciate your continuing support and interest in my blog

  6. What a wonderful title for a blog. Reading your account on zucchini recipes… and the realm of breakfasts and tastes took on a new meaning, I mean my breakfasts are pretty boring.. !

  7. I nominated you for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award! If you want to accept you can write a post following the rules similar to what I did on my blog (or google the name of the award and see what others have done). But you don’t have to if you don’t want to – it’s just a fun way to spotlight blogs that we like 🙂

    • Hello, Letizia. Congratulations on the award! Thank you so much for the nominating me as well! I think that it would be greedy of me to accept the award twice, so I shall not be acting on the nomination; but truly, I appreciate the nomination.

  8. Hello, thank you for stopping by my blog today. I hope you find yourself back. 🙂 I’ve not been to, Kansas before – looks super lovely. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Thank you so much for stopping by! I’m extra delighted, because your visit brought me here, to you. Those strawberry muffins look so wonderful, I plan to give them a try later this week! And kudos to you for creating the life that you envision. That is inspiring. I’ll enjoy following your blog, I’m sure.

    • Thank you. What a kind comment. I’m trying to make a decision about my next tech purchase and I think that your blog is doing to help!

  10. I randomly stumbled upon your blog and now so look forward to following. Manhattan holds a special place in our hearts as both my kids were born there. And being a ’82 KSU grad, My landscape architecture 30-year class reunion is this fall. I would love to stop by (perhaps stay!) and visit.

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂 Your photos are lovely, and your new life as a B&B owner sounds fantastic. I must admit I was a little confused by posts about the gardens and the farmer’s market until I read you are in Manhattan Kansas, not NYC! I look forward to reading more.

    • Oh, people make that mistake all the time : ) Thanks for reading long enough to figure things out. I just loved your posts on antiques in the garden!

  12. Thank you for stopping by my site about healthy eating and lifestyle. I’m so in love with just about everything you’ve posted. In addition, you’re from Manhattan! I have family there and nearby as well. I hope to some day experience your lovely B & B!

  13. Found your blog by clicking on your avatar when you liked dcdoolan.wordpress.com. Actually I thought you were holding a Jack Russell and I wanted to make sure (turns out I was wrong, tough to get old)…but then I made a remarkable discovery…you are located in Manhattan, KS…back in 1996 my wife were in your city as I ran across America…(3,160 miles, from Pacific Grove, CA to Rehobeth Beach, DE)…we were actually north on Rt 36, but we drove down to Manhattan for more socks and to have the oil changed in our support vehicle…Susie (my wife) and I recall what a beautiful city it was. We had a wonderful time relaxing, eating, and taking a day off from running (by then I had run over 1900 miles).

    I am currently writing a book about my experience of doing the run and had just finished a short piece about a truck driver I met as I came into Kansas, so the timing of finding your blog is somewhat remarkable (my wife says I am easily amused).

    Hope you and yours are enjoying a great weekend.

    Be encouraged!

  14. Pingback: The Awards and 7 Random Things About Me | Bebe's Kitchen

    • Thank you so very much, Bebe! I enjoy your blog very much. It is so neat to be able to follow each other from two different countries. I would certainly be nominating you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award, but you just got it!

Comments Welcome!