Let the Inspiration In

The Let the Inspiration In Challenge

I’ve gotten so that I love skimming through blogs looking for beautiful photos, tempting recipes, interesting articles, and stopping to read the ones that I like . There are so many posts that I have made a mental note to go back to. Oh, but when? I have so much to do. Yet, I recognize that I will be missing something in what these talented people – whose works I like – are writing about unless I take the time to actually let it move me to do something; and I would like to make that effort even though I’ll never get to everything. Hence my challenge to Let the Inspiration In! (If someone else is already running such a challenge, I guess that we are just thinking alike.)

If you want to join me, the details of the challenge are as follows:

(1) Once a week for a month, try out something inspired by a post that you have “liked”.

(2) The category could be cooking, gardening, photography, art, fitness, wellness, travel, etc. … but nothing crazy or dangerous.

(3) Don’t necessarily attempt to duplicate what the blogger did. For example, you might make a recipe exactly as directed or you might substitute ingredients. A photograph of a bird might make you want to go out and do some wildlife photography … or even write a poem. An article about travel might inspire you to plan a vacation.

(4) When you try something out, in one of your posts acknowledge the people who inspired you and post a comment on their blog(s) to let them know. (If you don’t have a blog of your own, just post a comment.)

(5) If you find the challenge fun, do it for another month!

If you try it out, let me know. I’d love to hear from you!

20 responses to “Let the Inspiration In

  1. Pingback: Zucchini Chips — Let the Inspiration In Challenge « Beyond The Green Door

  2. Pingback: Kenley’s Creamy Potato Soup — Let the Inspiration In Challenge Week 4 « Beyond The Green Door

  3. Pingback: T-Shirt Quilt Project — Let the Inspiration In Challenge Week 3 1/2 « Beyond The Green Door

  4. Pingback: Pinned and Forgotten — Let the Inspiration In Challenge Week 3 « Beyond The Green Door

  5. Pingback: Silence found in Fellini — Let the Inspiration In Challenge Week 2 « Beyond The Green Door

  6. Pingback: Thirsty Planet Brewery Tour — Let the Inspiration In Challenge Week 1 « Beyond The Green Door

  7. Pingback: Let the Inspiration In Challenge « Beyond The Green Door

  8. Pingback: If only one person is empowered, improved or was inspired to think « One Lifetime

  9. This is great! I’ll start next week! (Though technically you could say I already started since I’m taking the Creative Kitchen Challenge this week inspired by the Things My Belly Likes blog!

    • Wonderful!!! I hope that you like it : ) I’ve been collecting rose petals to make your Indian Rose Shortbread Cookies. Some of my miniature roses are very fragrant.

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